Okay, I'm really doing the comments on my site (itellforyou.weebly.com) which as I have stated in the category section is all about me... and what interests me... no telling where it will go, because I have opinions on all kinds of things; in fact, almost everything!  Ask me anything, I'll give you my opinion!  And I won't mince words either!  It will be my pleasure to share my insite and point of view with any and all!

I have begun writing a book.... now I'm too busy to work on it, so I'm writing a short story which is almost written, I think.  It's on my site as well.  (itellforyou.weebly.com) I don't know why, but the blog seems too complicated.  Perhaps too permanent.  I can't revise and rewrite.  But I assure you I am an opinionated ole crone!  Yes, you heard me right.  I'm a crone, one of those wise old ladies who has passed the half century mark of her life... and I am full of all kinds of wisdom, if I do say so myself.  And I do.  And I'm eager to share it with you should be so inclined!

And if you have come here to read this garble, then you are interested in what interests me!  LOL  Of course! 

I mentioned on my site (itellforyou.weebly.com) that I am an artist, and we are vain egotistical creatures.  No matter how reclusive we are, I am; our work is always screaming "Look at Me... Look at ME!"  And it's true.  We want you to look at us, though not DIRECTLY at us or we would be screaming, "look at me."  Which we are not! 

And I truly do not think I am THAT much different from other Artists... well, except, I'm different!  LOL  Yes, I am!  I am a unique individual with an outlook all my own... just as most of us are.  Well, that is if most of us have a spark of intelligence.  Which I do, by the way!  LOL Ask me, I'll tell you!  I'm brilliant!  Well, at least intelligent with a bit of a different view of this world we call "ours."  I'm a cynic... and I'm sarcastic... and did I mention I'm rather intelligent!  Okay, enough for one go at it.... check out my site (itellforyou.weebly.com) if you are interested in more about me and what interests me!  LOL  I love this!

Okay, enough for today.  I'm tired.  I started on the site (itellforyou.weebly.com) and decided to try this again.....  la-tah....