Those are the things that I am speaking of on my website.  I recall a visit from my deceased daughter, and wax political after hearing some disgusting facts.  I remember more things about Moo and Atlantis.   
I have expounded on my beliefs about death and mourning and the influence these things have on soul growth.  I have a different take on reincarnation than most.  I also have a different take on religion.  I would love to know how many shared my belief system or even some part of it.  As well, I am always open to hear the beliefs of others.  That is part of the Gnostic belief system as I know it to be.  We seek and take what speaks to our hearts is the way I see it. 

If one is reading my words I would suggest that you go to the last entry and work your way back strange as that might seem.  Then after all has been read or you read what interests you (I touch on many different subjects as I am a Crone; woman over 50 who has had time to reason out a lot of stuff.  I am always renewing and revising my spirituality and my world view, so it is ever changing in my musings.  Once you stop growing, you might as well be dead.  At least then you can continue your soul growth.   
There it is, I wax spiritual on my site this day.  Mourning spurred these musings. 
Today I should be adding to my site,  But here I am only adding a sentence or two.  I have much to do today.  Back to work on Monday.

I am wondering why it is that tv news can only cover one subject at a time.  All you can hear about is the situation in Libya, which is important, of course.  But why not interject news on the situation in Japan on all levels?  Why not talk about what is slipping by politically while they concentrate on Libya all day.  We are hearing everything over and over again.  The same thing!  I grow weary of it.  I guess I will go to google to find information on those other topics.

Go in a good way, children...   
Just checking to see if anyone is the least bit interested in this blog... LOL  I guess not.... but no matter... I'm fine with that.  It is simply the recording of my thoughts that interest me here.

On my site, I am speaking of the same things as before... Earth Changes, politics, unions, and education.... and other such things that come into my mind as I type.
Well, in light of the massive Earthquake in Japan I feel I truly do understand why these memories of Moo and Atlantis come back to me now. 

There are very few accidents in the world.  Everything happens for a reason.  That reason now is Earth Changes.  Grandmother is cleansing herself.  Like an animal whose skin is infected with fleas, lice, and other vermin; she is shaking and drowning to rid herself of the polution we have heaped upon her back.  At the end of Earth Changes, the Mother will survive.  What we have to be concerned with is whether or not we, the vermin upon her back will survive.  Sobering, yes?
Well, there on my site I touch on Earth Changes which has been bringing up memories of lifetimes during the distruction of Moo and Atlantis.  I find there is a definite connection between those times and now.  I abhor what I see going on in politics, so I touch on that as well.  What are we leaving for our children?  The republicans are destroying their schools and over working their teachers... and for what?  So that we can continue to give corporate welfare to the richest 3 to 4% of us?   You betcha!
If you want a clear picture of what is happening in America right now, check out these books and sites.  I'm a self confessed Progressive.  What's happening in this country is scary!  The far right is in the process of legislating their morality to the detriment of all the rest of us.  Actually, they are legislating their morality in the name of the Republican Party and their base, the richest 3% of this nation.  They are breaking the unions or trying to in order to take campaign monies away from the Democratic party.  That is their most obvious agenda.  I'm sure there is more to it than that.

I think the young people of this country are starting to wake up.  These stone cold sober well educated young adults are going to do what needs to be done to save their future from those who are working very hard to take it away from them.  They will make the hippie movement during the Viet Nam war look like a picnic just as they did to elect Obama.  And they will be the salvation of us all in the process!

I don't see Obama looking out for our rights.  I voted for him, but I am sorely disappointed in his performance to date.  He has the bully pulpit, and he is NOT using it to keep his promises to us.  Take a look at the recommendations below, I think you will have the scales fall from your eyes.

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Cline (Spelling - not sure... close enough... I'm going to get it.)
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
and of course, Michael Moore