The last two entries on my website have been first Pg. VII are related to both politics as well as spiritual matters... read if you care to...
Check out my website: - go to page VII and read down from the top.  Right now, I'm doing social commentary.

Government bailout for the middle class and the poor?
Tea Party
Food Stamps - Soup Lines of Today
Mortgage Aid
 10% unemployment
Unemployment Benefits
Big Business Welfare
Tax breaks for the Wealthy or for the rest of us?
Trickle Down Economics

December 9, 2011 - Political Commentary
Tea Party
Social Security
Privatize Government Benefits
Obama Care
Newt Gingrich
Voter Rights
Constitutional Rights
Voter Fraud
Jobs Bill
74% of Americans are for Jobs Bill
Taxing the Wealthy
Fox News
Comparative News Sources

Newt Gingrich and his goals for the USA - child labor laws - and what he believes will help the poor young children to learn responsibility - in other words he advocates putting children to work rather than educating them.  Those are not his actual words, but it is what they amount to, my friends! 

I just proof read my last entry.  Take a look if you so wish:
I post from the last page backwards and I add to the top of the page.  I discuss issues of politics and social commentary.  As well, I discuss my own spirituality with the aid of my Guide, Waban.  Scroll down to what interests you.