The Occupy Wall Street movement needs to move to Pennsylvania Ave. and to the Capitol Buildings of every state in the Union.  We need to take the message where it will hurt, and that is to the Lobbyists doors to Washington.  For the religious right, Jesus drove the Money Changers from the Temple!  And we need to do the same!  Get Wall Street out of the back pockets of our Congressmen and women; and we will see a government for the people and by the people once again.  Until then... it will merely be business as usual! 

Right now this country is being run by Wall Street and Big Business in general.  The GOP speaks of fears of Socialism.  Well, I'm speaking in fear of a Dictatorship but in name only by Big Business Fat Cats.  We have to wake up, People, before it is too late. 

Just me sayin...


I speak on my Political Views and then Waban speaks on my Spirituality and the process by which I have come to this point in my life.  He expresses views that I have not begun to internalize, but respect because I know that he only communicates for my highest good and for those who read my words.  He expounds upon the idea that driving the lobbyists from our government is not unlike the way Jesus drove the money changers from the temple.  I would never have made this connection on my own.  I have not proofread, because I don't truly want to deal with what he is saying.  I need sometime to digest his words, but I know that I am to publish them regardless, so I do.
Website: Social Commentary - Politics
November 17, 2011

My predictions
Tea Party
Pizza is a Vegetable?
Occupy movements
Wall Street… or Capitol Buildings
Rick Perry
A Message from Waban  

Social Commentary: Page VI
Will Americans take dirty Jobs?
Child Rape at Penn State
Social Commentary:  Page VI
Politics, Child Rape at Penn State, Dirty Jobs, Illegal Aliens
I'm commenting of current political issues... from this to that...  I touch on everything from potlical pundits to presidential hopefuls... take a look... if you choose: