Today was the royal wedding...  it was beautiful.  I was much moved by the whole affair.  I hope they will be very happy. 

Now as far as some of those hats... I keep trying to picture one of these women in the horrendous end of the spectrum trying on hats.  I envision her trying one after another... and then rejecting them one after another.   Then suddenly she pops one right above her forehead and exclaims, "This is it... this is the one.  I must have this one.  It is perfect!" 

And then she looks at her sister and says, "Eugenie, now it's your turn, dear sister!"  Her sister returns, "I haven't chosen a dress yet."

 "Oh, don't worry, darling, we'll pick up something somewhere to go with it!"
I wax poetic on my site... LOL  I presume to speak for the world and I judge without mercy!